Friday, April 11, 2014

4.11.14: Power

The other day someone yelled at me and it was clearly their it got me thinking...and then this post happened:

Power: the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. What allows people their entitlement to power? Was it given readily or self-proclaimed? If it's given, why? Did they earn it? If it's self-entitled, why? Are they insecure? The world today, mostly America, deals with a lot of people who enjoy power.
The conflict theory: those in power want to keep their power so they keep those underneath them beneath them at all costs. Does power influence people positively, negatively, or equally? Is it situational?
I feel like there are too many people in the world who use their power negatively.

P.s.: "train talks" and birthday post are pending

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